Sunday, May 14, 2006

Corporate Outsourcing and Quixote

Finally, further correspondence from the wilds of Costa Rica. Ahh no, I shall backtrack, for the wilds have been replaced by miles of fiber optics, linux programs, messenger, suits, and fine dining. Smells like corporate sell out, no?

I will however defend my recent choices and actions in the following ways. First, my position as a project supervisor for IPSOS research projects, while clearly irrelevent in the social and spiritual progress of our world, as well as clearly snubbing the Quixote in me, presents a challenge to the roots of my character; personal organization. Second, my reasons for living here are cultural and linguistically based, and I hope to explore these interests both in the working environment and in my leisure time. Third is that, well, damn I miss you all, and would like to be able to afford to visit once and a while.

Finally, I hope that the experience will lead me into fields of a more important nature in these dangerous times. Yes indeed.

Chris Ruttan

Friday, April 14, 2006

Semana Santa

Happy Easter, feliz semana santa. I am here on vacation for the holy week in Nicaragua, a land of multi coloured everything, the kind of heat that gives Latin Americans a bad rap for being lazy, and oh, a little spice in the food. So refreshing from Costa Rican fare, which, delicious as it may be, is seriously lacking in one of my favorite attributes in a good meal, sabor picante.

Oh, so my sweet sister is the first of all of you to find their way down here to see what vistas keep me. I invite you all at a moments notice to follow suit.

Wish all your families well and take a moment to appreciate their nearness, for those of us far away can keep them only in our hearts and long to see their faces alight with the warmth that only hearth and home can bring.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Bienvenidos Amigos

Bienvenidos á mi nueva página del web. Es un trabajo entre progreso. Mi espanol esta demasiado twanis ahora. Estoy aprendiendo bailas y otra cosas latina. Estoy trabajando a una empresa de investagaciones de mercado. Qué feo. Siempre en domingos yo me levanté y voy a la feria para vegetales, carne, y pan, y para el ambiente vivaz. Hoy es mi dia libre, y yo estoy limpiando mi ropas y relajante totalemente el dia. Hay mucho sol, y el tiempo es mismo de septiembre. Super bueno. Los me estraño mucho, pero estoy feliz aqui en este lugar para ahora. Hasta luego, mi vidas y perros. Suerte y Amor.

Un hombre deconocido en San José.


A few pics of Costa Rica.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Welcome all to my new adventure. The world of blogging. TheGuitarCase. Your link to my world. SouthBound.

Lots of love
